Gruppo IPN

The Italian Professionals Netherlands Networking Group


The Italian Professionals Netherlands (IPN) group aims at building a strong professional network between Italian people who live or work in The Netherlands, and connecting them to other professional Dutch and non-Dutch groups.

The purpose of IPN is to offer its members opportunities to be introduced to, meet and get together with other high level professionals who also want to boost their professional relationships in NL.

To enhance the “virtual” connections between its members, periodically IPN organizes networking events where people can meet face to face, get to know each other better, and share their knowledge with other members. Events are held normally in English, sometimes in Italian language, depending on the participants’ nationality.


List of the events held in English language:

International Women’s Day event – a nice cultural event, in collaboration with Alliance Française The Hague.

Cybersecurity Simposium event – in collaboration with LUISS business school.

DANTE (A)LIVE, verses from Divine Comedy and live music – Theater show in English language at Italian Cultural Institute Amsterdam

Growing an online business from zero to six figures

Evento BELLAVITA (Italian sounding debate)

BVLGARI Masterclass: Business, Jewelry and Complicated Watches

Marine Engineering Symposium

Animated Life: an event about Cinema Animation

Startup Dragon’s Den

Tourism Business Opportunities in Rome during the Jubilee of Mercy

Italian Design Day in Rotterdam

Masterclass with a Director of Photography (Italian Cinema Week 2018) In collaboration with Italian Institute of Culture in Amsterdam


Business meeting with Italian buffet in Amsterdam


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One of our events hosted by the Italian Embassy

Founded in 2009 and currently made up of approx. 2000 members, IPN is constantly growing. Not all its members are Italians: being able to speak the Italian language and having a strong link with Italian culture is what brings all IPN members together.

Every year IPN organizes several formal occasions for its members to meet, discuss the role of the Italian-speaking expats in The Netherlands, and get a better understanding of more practical aspects of living in NL as foreigners (topics such as Dutch pension, healthcare, tax systems, innovation, business systems and methodologies were covered in the past).


Luxury brand with gourmet dinner event in The Hague

Being recognised as a talent attractor, the IPN group has developed a good relationship with the local Italian institutions, in particular with the Italian Embassy in The Hague. The IPN group has had the former Ambassadors of Italy to The Netherlands, Francesco Azzarello and Andrea Perugini, as special guests to many of its events. The Ambassador invited us to organise several meetings and events at his residence.

IPN was invited to collaborate in several projects initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for example the “Week of the Italian Cinema in the World”.

Articles about IPN have been published in the Business Haaglanden magazine and the Diplomat Magazine online.

Strategic event at Hilton Amsterdam

For more information, please contact:

Note: IPN doesn’t have any commercial purposes, even though business collaboration between its members is welcomed and what the group hopes to see growing even more in the future as a direct consequence of the good relationship born and strengthened within the group itself.