Imagine being in the same room with somebody that: can connect you to your dream partner; knows a solution to your toughest project problem; helps you capitalize on your biggest project opportunity.
Most individuals know on average 600 people*, yet we all go to networking events thinking that there’s only one or two persons who can really help us.
Do you believe in the power of connections and partnerships? Do you love helping other purpose-driven professionals, so that they make a bigger impact and a real difference in the world?
IPN is based on pure Networking. Offering you opportunities to meet and connect with new people is our primary purpose. So, we’re happy to invite you to a new event organized in collaboration with COI Acli and W.I.N. Mastermind: the Business speed-date networking event!
In these events purpose-driven professionals cooperate to help each other grow. Join this free event to get a taste of what happens when cooperation is your strategy and we all focus on giving first. You may get great benefits, and you can also help other people, making a positive impact and creating positive opportunities for yourself in the future.
We believe joining this event can be your most valuable evening of the week. The format has been tested and proven during multiple sessions with a total of over 250 purpose-driven professionals attending. Our score? 100% of the visitors walked away with at least 1 valuable new connection.
* From an article by Andrew Gelman, professor of statistics, Columbia University
How does it work?
The format is simple and effective:
- You will sit in front of another attendee
- In 4 minutes, one of you explains to the other his/her #1 priority project, what the next goal is and what information/skill/people is necessary to reach it
- During these 4 minutes the listener just focuses on the speaker, with the ultimate goal to be able to either help personally or connect the speaker to another person the listener knows
- Then, roles switch: the listener becomes the speaker and vice versa
- After 4 minutes, all shift places to create new couples and start over again
At the end of the evening, each attendee will have spoken with a good number of people and, in our experience, this ensures everyone will have had at least 1 valuable new connection.
Past visitors have described these events as “fun”, “inspiring”, “educational”, “eye-opening”, “new”, “fresh” and “different”.
When and where?
17 October 2019, starting at 19:00:
- 18:45 – 19:00 Doors open. Informal networking
- 19:00 – 19:15 Presentation
- 19:15 – 20:15 Speed-date game
- 20:15 – 20:45 Conclusion
The host of the event will be the COI Acli, in their office in Utrecht: Kaap Hoorndreef 32 A, 3563 AT. In collaboration with COI Acli and W.I.N. Mastermind.
Event moderator: Alessio Oliveri, WIN Mastermind founding member. Alessio says “We are setting up an exclusive world-wide Network of Entrepreneurs (W.I.N. stands for Worldwide Influencer Network) based on the concept that valuable connections are the ultimate key to success. We consider ourselves a “Network of Givers” in that we deeply want to transfer our value to other peers and receive even more value back from the whole group.
We are very happy to collaborate with Italian Professionals Netherlands for this event.”
How to register
Seats are available on a first come, first served basis. Reserve your seat asap, by writing to or . Please use subject: “BUSPED” specifying name and surname of participants.